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Hieronder vindt u de Beta Motor accessoires, van zowel Beta als ook van andere leveranciers. De originele Beta Motor onderdelen vindt u onder 'Onderdelen' bovenaan deze website.

Het volledige assortiment van originele Beta Motor accessoires vindt u in deze brochure.


S3 Motor beschermplaat Beta TrialS3 motor beschermplaat  Beta Trial C

S3 is the specialist in Trial and Enduro parts. Innovation and high quality are the key words guiding the design of the elements that will make a difference. Tested in all conditions, the S3 products are at the cutting edge of technology and equip the best riders and trial teams.


Engine protector plate CNC

  • S3 Aluminium Trial Engine Guard will protect the frame and engine block.
  • Give your engine and lower frame the protection they need helping you glide over obstacles
  • Made by best quality aluminum 7075, with a thickness of 6mm
  • Protects the frame and the engine crankcases Easy and quick installation


Prijs: € 209,00
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